Social Anthropology Laboratory, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Social and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory, University of Liège.
Nolwen Vouiller holds a double degree, both as a psychomotrician (Médecine Sorbonne University, Paris) since 2018 and as an anthropologist (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) since 2020. Her doctorate deals with interactions between humans and non-humans from Bardiya National Park, Nepal. Since 2020, Nolwen Vouiller has been affiliated with the Center for Himalayan Studies (CEH), the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (LAS), the Laboratory of Social and Cultural Anthropology (LASC) and the Rés-EAUs association which brings together researchers in social sciences on water issues (board member). Since 2021 Nolwen Vouiller has also been a member of the administrative committee of the Nepal Researchers Network (RCN).