
CNRS-College of France/PSL

Perig Pitrou

The "Anthropology of Life" research team is housed in the Laboratory of Social Anthropology, founded by Claude Lévi-Strauss in 1960. It benefits from institutional links with the Collège de France and the influence of the University of Paris Sciences et Lettres. , EHESS and CNRS. 

Around the senior members, the team intends to promote the integration of young researchers in the research professions. In addition to the regular presentation of their work, they participate in the organization of scientific activities, the management of research programs and collective publications. In all these activities, we strive to achieve gender parity. 

The integration of the team into an international network is guaranteed by the presence of researchers attached to institutions in several countries: France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Russia, United States, Mexico, Brazil. 

In addition to regular encounters within the framework of meetings and research retreats, the members of the team lead a reading group to develop a critical and collective reading of the major texts relating to their research issues. It is in this spirit that a documentary fund bringing together to date nearly 500 works has been established. The “Anthropology of life” seminar given by Perig Pitrou at the EHESS constitutes another place of exchange.

Who are we?

The team

directed by Perig Pitrou

Around the senior members, the team intends to promote the integration of young researchers in the research professions.

The integration of the team into an international network is guaranteed by the presence of researchers linked to institutions in several countries: France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Russia, United States, Mexico, Brazil.


Perig Pitrou

Research director, team leader, CNRS

Olivia Angel

Associate Professor

Joffrey Becker

Chaire de Professeur Junior

Teresa Castro

Lecturer, U. Paris 3

Ludovic Coupaye

Reading, UCL

Pierre-Olivier Dittmar

Lecturer, EHESS

David Dupuis


Frederique Ildefonse

Research Director, CNRS

Leopoldo Iribarren

Lecturer, EHESS

Katarina Kerestetzi

Researcher, CNRS

Fabien Milanovic

Teacher Researcher, SupBiotech

Guilhem Olivier

Professor, UNAM

Marie Lecomte-Tilouine

Research Director, CNRS

Marie Mauze

Research Director, CNRS

Salvatore d'Onofrio

Professor, University of Palermo

Istvan Praet

Anthropologist, Durham University

Carlos Sautchuk

Professor, U. Brasilia

Wiktor Stoczkowski

Director of Studies, EHESS

Postdoctoral researchers

Camille Bellet

U. Manchester

Gabriela Bezerra Daly

Fyssen Foundation

Emilie Letouzey

Fyssen Foundation

Fabien Provost

Kings College

PhD students

Indira Beraud


Lea Bernard


Michiko Borisova

EHESS-U. Yakutsk

Giulia Cantisani

U. Sapienza-EHESS

Elie Danziger


Simon Gerard

EHESS-Labex coral

Lauren Kamili


Selma Lepart


Delphine Mercier
Gabriel Roman


Nolwen Vouiller

University of Liège-EHESS