We ensure the promotion of research by organizing round tables, film festivals, science & art projects and by giving interviews in the media.

In connection with the activities of the “La vie à l'oeuvre” collective, the team's expertise is also sought by public and private institutions questioning the place of living systems and biotechnologies in contemporary societies.

These actions make it possible to dialogue with a wider public on essential issues and to disseminate more widely a scientific vision as well as the idea of the importance of science in society.  

We ensure the promotion of research by organizing round tables, film festivals, science & art projects and by giving interviews in the media.

The team's expertise is also sought by public and private institutions wondering about the place of living systems and biotechnologies in contemporary societies.

Public presentations

Biomimicry. Imitation of the living and the common world”, Bibracte talks, 2021 (L. Kamili, P. Pitrou & F. Provost). 

“Power of plants” (with L. Lebart), Off-Piste Festival, February 1st. [https://www.centrepompidou.fr/fr/horspistes2021/marie-rebecchi].

"At the origins of life" & "Life at work", Round table organized for The Night of Ideas at the College de France (P. Pitrou)[https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/evenements-culturels/Programme.htm]

Building with the living, round table, Collège de France – Life at work, 2018 (P. Pitrou, P. Chiambaretta) .

Interdisciplinary explorations around the living. Science & Art at PSL, PSL workshop, 2017, ESCPI-EPGG (P. Pitrou, L. Giraud, D. Peysson, V. Pihet).

Domestication/fabrication of the living and science fiction,  International workshop 2015 (P. Pitrou, S. Allouche & C. Lemalet), Le Cube.

"Synthetic biology or the production of living organisms", CNRS Fundamentals, Grenoble, 2014 (P. Pitrou).

Intervention in the media

"Anthropology of life and DIY", Perig Pitrou About researchers, College of France, 2020. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Keu_3J5RTy0&feature=emb_logo]

 "Anthropological foundations of biomimicry" (L. Kamili & P. Pitrou), CNRS Journal, online, September 23. [https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/regard-anthropologique-sur-le-biomimetisme]

Episode Future researchers: Philippe Descola (Matthieu Vidard), France Inter (P. Pitrou) [https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/chercheurs-d-avenir/chercheurs-d-avenir-24-juillet-2016]

Discussion on the non-living/living transition (with L. Jullien), Night of science and letters, ENS, 2016.

“How far to manipulate the living? », interview with Laure Cailloce, CNRS Journal (https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/jusquou-manipuler-le-vivant), 2014 (L. Jullien & P. Pitrou).

Cycles of film-debates

Extraterrestrial presences. Season 3: Encountering New Forms of Life, PSL-Cinema Le Grand Action, 2019-2020 (R. Lehoucq, P. Pitrou & J.-S. Steyer) .

Extraterrestrial presences. Season 2: Human Lives in Space, PSL-Cinema Le Grand Action, 2018-2019 (R. Lehoucq, P. Pitrou & J.-S. Steyer).

Extraterrestrial presences. The diversity of life forms in science fiction, PSL-Cinema Le Grand Action, 2017-2018 (R. Lehoucq, P. Pitrou & J.-S. Steyer).

Forms of life in cinema, The Latin Quarter Film Library, 2015 (J.-M. Zékri & P. Pitrou).

Hybridizations and virtual worlds. Cinema at the frontiers of life. The Latin Quarter Film Library, 2014 (J.-M. Zékri & P. Pitrou).