Elie Danziger | PhD student

Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (Collège de France/ EHESS/ CNRS) — Anthropology of life research team. Institut de Biologie of the École Normale Supérieure - PSL Research University — Eco-Evolutionary Mathematics research team.

I am a doctoral student at the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale since January 2021. I conduct ethnographic research in ecology laboratories and my areas of interest include the anthropology of life, science and health.

As part of the SYVIE project (Closed System and Modeling of Life), I focus my investigations on projects that reconstruct ecosystems in closed and controlled environments. This is for example the case of “ecotrons” in France and Europe: climatic chambers where experiments are carried out by finely controlling parameters such as temperature or humidity, and where the response of plants, soils and micro-organisms confined is measured just as precisely, in a continuous manner. Comparative work is also carried out in the United States, with the Biosphere 2 laboratory, a life-support system which in the 1990s tested the evolution of a miniature biosphere, a dome under which a tropical forest, an ocean, a desert, in the presence of eight humans. If such artificial environments allow the scientific community to study the functioning of ecosystems, an ethnographic approach makes it possible to question the expectations behind this mode of prediction and visualization of the evolution of ecosystems. I am interested in the logics that make experimentation in closed ecological systems relevant for scientists, and in the negociating of this relevance, e.g. in terms of the contours of the complexity that is deemed amenable for investigation under one same and unique dome. With the will to foster an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, the overall funded project involves a consortium of scientists from both the life and social sciences gathered to address what apprehension of life closed ecological systems afford.


Social anthropology of science and technology; Lab ethnography; Closed ecological systems.


Personal website


Twitter : @ukulelie

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elie-danziger/