Giulia Cantisani | PhD student |

Department of Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte e Spettacolo (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Laboratory of Social Anthropology (EHESS)

Giulia Cantisani graduated in Cultural Anthropology from La Sapienza University in Rome. His study interests are focused on the Mesoamerican zone, with particular attention to the visual culture of Native American populations. After the degree, obtained with a dissertation on the pictographic system of ancient Mexico, she carried out her ethnographic fieldwork among the Otomi of the Sierra Madre Oriental, carrying out an investigation into indigenous ritual practices. His research work focuses on the analysis of the complex network of relationships between human agents, artifacts and non-human entities that interact in the ritual space.


Ritual practices, Artefacts, Human/non-human relations, Visual ethnography, Anthropology of techniques, Ethnolinguistics, Mexico, Sierra Madre Oriental, Otomì.